Dimensions of Business Card Paper Sizes | ISO 216, US, Canada, European, Japan etc.

Dimensions of Business Card Paper Sizes | ISO 216, US, Canada, European, Japan etc. Design


Format Width × Height (in) Width × Height (mm)
ISO 216, A8 sized 74 × 52 2.913 × 2.047
ISO 216, C8 sized 81 × 57 3.189 × 2.244
Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria,
Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland,
Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey, Nepal
85 × 55 3.346 × 2.165
ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1, credit card sized, Australia 85.60 × 53.98 3.370 × 2.125
Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Taiwan,
Sweden, Vietnam, India, Colombia
90 × 55 3.54 × 2.165
Japan 91 × 55 3.582 × 2.165
Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia 90 × 54 3.543 × 2.125
Canada, United States 88.9 × 50.8 3.5 × 2
Iran 85 × 48 3.346 × 1.889
Sri Lanka, Argentina, India,
Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Finland,
Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan,
Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia,
Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia,
Ukraine, Uzbekistan,
Bulgaria, Latvia, Mexico,
South Korea and South Africa
90 × 50 3.543 × 1.968
ISO 216, B8 sized 88 × 62 3.465 × 2.441



Aspect ratios range from 1.42 to 1.8. There is no standard for the business card dimensions. Sharing dimensions with other cards makes storage easier, for example banking cards (85.60 × 53.98 mm) and business cards in Western Europe (85 × 55 mm) have almost the same size.



A series B series C series US sizes US Envelope
International Envelope Photography Paper Canadian Japanese Books
Newspaper Chinese Billboard Imperial Colombian
French Raw Transitional



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