31. 善は急げ
Zen wa isoge
- English Translation: Seize the good opportunity quickly.
- Paired Proverb: Strike while the iron is hot.
- Explanation: When a chance for something positive appears, act immediately.
32. 嘘つきは泥棒の始まり
Usotsuki wa dorobō no hajimari
- English Translation: A liar is the beginning of a thief.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Dishonesty can lead to more serious wrongdoing.
33. 嘘も方便
Uso mo hōben
- English Translation: A lie can be a means to an end.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Sometimes, bending the truth can smooth a difficult situation—but use caution.
34. 噂をすれば影
Uwasa o sureba kage
- English Translation: Speak of the devil, and he appears.
- Paired Proverb: Speak of the devil.
- Explanation: Discussing someone often leads to their unexpected appearance.
35. 溺れる者はわらをもつかむ
Oboreru mono wa wara o mo tsukamu
- English Translation: A drowning man clutches at straws.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: In desperate situations, even the smallest hope is seized.
36. 大は小を兼ねる
Dai wa shō o kaneru
- English Translation: The big can serve the purpose of the small.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: A larger or more comprehensive solution can often cover smaller needs.
37. 失敗は成功のもと
Shippai wa seikō no moto
- English Translation: Failure is the foundation of success.
- Paired Proverb: Every failure is a step toward success.
- Explanation: Mistakes and failures are essential learning experiences on the path to achievement.
38. 好きこそ物の上手なれ
Suki koso mono no jōzu nare
- English Translation: Passion makes you skilled.
- Paired Proverb: Practice makes perfect.
- Explanation: When you love what you do, you naturally excel at it.
39. 安物買いの銭失い
Yasumonogai no zeni ushinai
- English Translation: Buying cheap leads to losing money.
- Paired Proverb: You get what you pay for.
- Explanation: Cutting corners with low-quality items often results in higher long-term costs.
40. 山あり谷あり
Yama ari tani ari
- English Translation: There are mountains and valleys.
- Paired Proverb: Life has its ups and downs.
- Explanation: Life is full of highs and lows; expect both success and hardship.
41. 帯に短したすきに長し
Obi ni mijikashita suki ni nagashi
- English Translation: Neither long enough for a belt nor short enough for a sash.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: This proverb criticizes something that fits neither category perfectly—symbolizing a compromise that satisfies neither need.
42. 弘法にも筆の誤り
Kōbō ni mo fude no ayamari
- English Translation: Even a master can make mistakes.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: No matter how skilled you are, errors can occur.
43. 弱り目にたたり目
Yowarime ni tatarime
- English Translation: Misfortunes never come singly.
- Paired Proverb: When it rains, it pours.
- Explanation: Bad luck often appears in clusters.
44. 後は野となれ山となれ
Ato wa no to nare yama to nare
- English Translation: Let the outcome take its own course.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Once decisions are made, don’t dwell on the outcome—move forward.
45. 後悔先に立たず
Kōkai saki ni tatazu
- English Translation: Regret comes too late.
- Paired Proverb: Hindsight is 20/20.
- Explanation: It’s useless to regret after the fact; act wisely in advance.
46. かゆいところに手が届く
Kayui tokoro ni te ga todoku
- English Translation: A hand reaches exactly where it itches.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Attention to detail and responsiveness solve problems perfectly.
47. 念には念を入れよ
Nen ni wa nen o ireyō
- English Translation: Be extra careful.
- Paired Proverb: Better safe than sorry.
- Explanation: Taking extra precautions prevents future mishaps.
48. 思い立ったが吉日
Omoitattaga kichijitsu
- English Translation: The day you decide is a lucky day.
- Paired Proverb: There’s no time like the present.
- Explanation: Act on your ideas immediately—today is the best day to begin.
49. 急いては事をし損じる
Seite wa koto o shisonjiru
- English Translation: Haste makes waste.
- Paired Proverb: Haste makes waste.
- Explanation: Rushing can lead to mistakes; take time to do things right.
50. 急がば回れ
Isogaba maware
- English Translation: If in a hurry, take the longer route.
- Paired Proverb: More haste, less speed.
- Explanation: Sometimes a slower, more careful approach is more effective than rushing.
51. 悪事千里を走る
Akuji senri o hashiru
- English Translation: Evil deeds travel a thousand miles.
- Paired Proverb: Bad news travels fast.
- Explanation: Misdeeds are quickly noticed and spread.
52. 情けは人のためならず
Nasake wa hito no tame narazu
- English Translation: Kindness benefits oneself, not just others.
- Paired Proverb: What goes around comes around.
- Explanation: Acts of kindness eventually return to the giver.
53. 敵に塩を贈る
Teki ni shio o okuru
- English Translation: Give salt to your enemy.
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Sometimes helping your adversary is the wisest course.
54. 早起きは三文の徳
Hayaoki wa sanmon no toku
- English Translation: Early rising has its rewards.
- Paired Proverb: The early bird catches the worm.
- Explanation: Waking up early can bring significant advantages in productivity and health.
55. 明日は我が身
Ashita wa wagami
- English Translation: What happens to one may happen to another.
- Paired Proverb: What goes around comes around.
- Explanation: Misfortunes or fortunes experienced by others could eventually befall you.
56. 時は金なり
Toki wa kane nari
- English Translation: Time is money.
- Paired Proverb: Time is money.
- Explanation: Time is a valuable resource that should not be wasted.
57. 月とすっぽん
Tsuki to suppon
- English Translation: The moon and a soft-shelled turtle (are incomparable).
- Paired Proverb: (None)
- Explanation: Two things are utterly different and cannot be compared.
58. 怪我の功名
Kega no kōmyō
- English Translation: A misfortune can be turned to advantage.
- Paired Proverb: Every cloud has a silver lining.
- Explanation: Sometimes setbacks lead to unexpected benefits.
59. 木を見て森を見ず
Ki o mite mori o mizu
- English Translation: Can’t see the forest for the trees.
- Paired Proverb: (Same as English)
- Explanation: Focusing too much on details can cause you to miss the big picture.
60. 果報は寝て待て
Kahō wa nete mate
- English Translation: Good fortune comes to those who wait.
- Paired Proverb: All good things come to those who wait.
- Explanation: Patience is often rewarded with positive outcomes.