300 Epic Mythology-Inspired English Words – Ignite the Imagination

300 Epic Mythology-Inspired English Words That Ignite the Imagination words
  1. Dionysus – God of wine and revelry
  2. Persephone – Queen of the underworld, seasonal goddess
  3. Odin – Allfather, Norse god of wisdom
  4. Thor – Norse god of thunder
  5. Loki – Trickster god, shape-shifter
  6. Freya – Goddess of love and beauty
  7. Baldur – Norse god of light
  8. Fenrir – Monstrous wolf of fate
  9. Yggdrasil – The world tree
  10. Ragnarok – Norse apocalypse, end-times
  11. Asgard – Realm of the gods
  12. Midgard – Earthly realm, human world
  13. Mimir – Keeper of wisdom
  14. Celestia – Heavenly realm, celestial kingdom
  15. Aether – Upper air, pure essence
  16. Nebula – Cosmic cloud, star nursery
  17. Galaxy – Stellar system, cosmic expanse
  18. Cosmos – Universe, orderly system
  19. Stellar – Star-like, radiant
  20. Orion – Constellation, hunter
  21. Andromeda – Constellation or galaxy, celestial beauty
  22. Eclipse – Celestial alignment, obscuration
  23. Nova – Exploding star, sudden brilliance
  24. Comet – Celestial wanderer, icy visitor
  25. Meteor – Shooting star, fleeting light
  26. Aurora – Dawn or polar light show
  27. Zephyr – Gentle breeze, west wind
  28. Tempest – Violent storm, chaos
  29. Cyclone – Whirling storm, vortex
  30. Vortex – Whirlwind, spiraling force
  31. Phantom – Elusive spirit, specter
  32. Mirage – Optical illusion, desert vision
  33. Spectral – Ghostly, otherworldly
  34. Abyss – Infinite void, chasm
  35. Labyrinth – Maze, intricate puzzle
  36. Paradox – Contradiction, enigma
  37. Infinity – Boundlessness, endlessness
  38. Eternity – Timelessness, perpetual
  39. Destiny – Fate, predetermined course
  40. Fate – Inevitability, destiny
  41. Prophecy – Foretelling, divination
  42. Sigil – Magical symbol, emblem
  43. Spellbound – Enchanted, captivated
  44. Incantation – Chanted spell, magical utterance
  45. Alchemy – Transmutation, ancient chemistry
  46. Elemental – Basic, fundamental force
  47. Transcendence – Surpassing limits, otherworldly rise
  48. Illumination – Enlightenment, divine light
  49. Enchantment – Magical charm, spell
  50. Divine – Godly, sacred
  51. Seraphic – Angelic, pure
  52. Angelic – Heavenly, ethereal
  53. Halo – Radiant circle, aura
  54. Blessing – Divine favor, benediction
  55. Grace – Elegance, divine favor
  56. Radiance – Brightness, luminous glow
  57. Luminous – Bright, shining
  58. Ember – Glowing coal, small flame
  59. Inferno – Conflagration, raging fire
  60. Pyre – Funeral fire, burning altar


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