List of kanji by concept | Weather and natural phenomena

List of kanji by concept | Weather and natural phenomena Double
List of kanji by concept | Weather and natural phenomena


This Kanji method groups describe Weather concept.

Kanji with multiple meanings may appear more than once.


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Weather and other natural phenomena list


Kanji Japanese
kumo cloud
kumori cloud
ame rain
niji rainbow
kaze wind
yuki snow
arashi storm
天候 ten-kou climate
hare fine weather
kasumi haze or mist
kaminari lightning or thunder
kiri fog or mist
shimo frost
tsuyu dew
nami wave
sio tide
uzu whirlpool
洪水 kou-zui flood
地震 ji-shin earthquake
wazawai natural disaster
kura-i dark
yami dark
hikari light
akari light
kage shadow
kemuri smoke or fumes
電気 den-ki electricity
hi fire
hono-o blaze



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