166 Demons of the World: Mythology and Religious Traditions

166 Demons of the World: Mythology and Religious Traditions words

European Demons

A creature with a serpent’s head at both ends of its body.

A small, mischievous creature with entirely black skin, bloodshot eyes, pointed ears, a pot-bellied body, and a long, hooked tail.

Guzafan (also Zepon, Zephon)
One of the fallen angels who sided with Lucifer when he rebelled against God.

A mischievous spirit known for wreaking havoc on machinery. Legend has it that every household harbors at least one gremlin.

Typically portrayed as an ugly, malevolent little person, goblins are mischievous and evil spirits.

Cockatrice (also Cockodrill)
A creature that combines a rooster and a snake. Born from a rooster’s egg, it slowly drains the blood of its host until death ensues.

The leader of the demons under Astaroth, Nebiros, along with Astaroth and Sargatanas, is said to reside in America. He is known for inflicting pain on his chosen targets and has extensive knowledge of the properties of metals, minerals, and plants. Among the denizens of Hell, Nebiros is one of the most skilled in necromancy and divination.

Reigning supreme over all serpents, the basilisk is known as the king of snakes.

Creatures with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a serpent, endowed with beast-like hands.


Hindu Demons

A giant serpent who serves as a general under the tyrant King Kans.

A collective term for the demonic or anti-divine beings in Indian mythology, Vedic religion, and Hinduism.

Asura (Aśura)
The term “Asura” was adopted by Buddhism from Hinduism, referring to demonic beings.

A colossal serpent whose name means “obstacle” or “that which surrounds.” He is known as the one who veils the sky and earth.

Gaki (Hungry Ghosts)
Eternally tormented by insatiable hunger and thirst, these spirits are cursed to turn any food or drink into flames, ensuring they are never satisfied.

Snake spirits or deities.

Meaning “one with golden eyes,” this demon opposes the Hindu god Vishnu.

Whose name means “clad in gold,” Hiranyakashipu is a notorious demon king.

A fearsome demon with enormous fangs; when he opens his mouth, his upper jaw is said to reach the heavens.

The chief of the asuras, Mahisha usurped the gods’ status and oppressed humanity by forcing them to worship him.

Yaksha (Yasha, Yakar, Yak)
A general term for demons in Indian mythology. Male demons are called Yakshas, while female ones are known as Yakshinis.

The demon king of the Rakshasas, Ravana is depicted with ten heads, twenty arms, copper-colored eyes, shining teeth like the moon, and a giant body resembling a mountain.

Demons in Hindu mythology.


Zoroastrian Demons

Angra Mainyu (also Ahriman, Ahrem)
The embodiment of absolute evil, Angra Mainyu stands in opposition to the supreme good, Ahura Mazda.

A demon of violence, depicted with a shaggy body and blood-stained weapons.

Azhi Dahaka
A monstrous demon described as having three heads, three mouths, and six eyes—each head symbolizing pain, torment, and death. His wings are said to be so vast that they can block out the heavens.

A death demon from Zoroastrian lore. Accidents and untimely deaths are attributed to his influence. It is said that every human is bound by a rope placed by Asto-Weizart even before birth; when a good person dies, the rope is released, but when an evil person dies, it drags them down into Hell.

A demon who opposes the benevolent spirit Asha Vahishta, Aka-Manah is aligned with Angra Mainyu.

The Zoroastrian drought demon. Appearing as a hairless, jet-black horse, Apoosha roams the heavens freely, bringing drought upon the earth.

Jahi (or Je)
A female demon in Zoroastrian tradition.

A collective term for the demons who serve Angra Mainyu, tormenting the souls of the damned in Hell. They appear in various forms.

Meaning “falsehood” in Avestan, Druj is the antithesis of Asha Vahishta—the personification of justice and truth.

A term for witches in Zoroastrian lore. They are believed to descend from the sky riding meteor-like streaks.

A female demon with extraordinarily long arms and legs, said to induce sleep in people and transform them into lethargic beings.


In conclusion, the vast and diverse world of demons reflects humanity’s enduring fascination with the mysterious forces of evil across cultures and ages. From the fallen angels of Christianity and the asuras of Hindu mythology to the enigmatic spirits of ancient Egypt and beyond, these legendary beings continue to inspire both fear and wonder. Explore these timeless stories and uncover the rich tapestry of beliefs that have shaped our understanding of the supernatural.


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