166 Demons of the World: Mythology and Religious Traditions

166 Demons of the World: Mythology and Religious Traditions words

Demons: The Embodiments of Evil
Demons are transcendent beings that symbolize evil. Often portrayed as slanderers of God and tempters of humankind, these entities have appeared in many forms across different religions and cultures. In Christianity, the quintessential demon is “Satan,” but many other demons exist in various traditions around the globe. In Japanese Buddhism, similar beings are seen as evil deities or manifestations of worldly desires that obstruct the path to enlightenment.

In the following list, we explore demons from around the world.

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Demons in World Mythology and Religion


Christian Demons

A subordinate demon under Lucifer, often associated with both Lucifer and Satanael, said to dwell throughout Europe and Asia.

Asmodeus (also Asmodaios, Ashmedai, Asmodai)
In the context of the seven deadly sins, Asmodeus governs lust. Legend has it that he was once a seraphic angel before his fall.

Known as the chairman of the infernal high court or as the Chancellor of Hell, Adramelech is also said to be Satan’s valet.

Amai’mon (also Amoimon)
One of the Eight Sub-Princes, he is considered one of the more powerful lesser demons.

One of the four major demons, Corson rules over the south.

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Satan is the demon who was once known as “Lucifer”—an angel who served God before his fall.

Lucifer (also Lucifel, Luckifel)
Lucifer is another name for Satan, referring to his status as the chief of the fallen angels before he became the dark lord.

One of the six high-ranking spirits serving under the three rulers of Hell—Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth—Satanael is said to wield the power to subjugate all women.

One of the four major demons, he is believed to possess power over the 72 demons once controlled by King Solomon. He is said to appear only on special occasions.

A powerful, primordial being connected with the underworld.

Often depicted as an androgynous figure with the head of a black goat and dark wings, Baphomet became a figure of veneration among witches.

A cunning demon who serves the magical god Tinchi.

A high-ranking demon lurking in Africa, he is known to complete his tasks during the night and can summon hail at will.

Purflas (also Buphath, Buzas)
A grand duke of Hell, Purflas is said to bring strife, war, discord, and deception. He is under the command of the demon Satanael, the general of Hell.

Appearing in Christianity, Judaism, and the lore of King Solomon, Belial is considered one of the most powerful demons in Hell, overseeing the demonic legions.

Berith (also Beris, Bohrifry, Beal)
Depicted as a soldier clad in red garments and a crown, riding a red horse, Berith can answer questions about the past, present, and future, transform metal into gold, and bestow honor upon his followers.

Beelzebub (also Beelzebub)
Also known as the “Lord of the Flies,” Beelzebub is a high-ranking demon with considerable influence.

Belphegor (also Belphegor, Belphegor)
In the context of the seven deadly sins, Belphegor is associated with sloth and lust.

Mammon (also Mammon)
Symbolizing wealth and greed in the seven deadly sins, Mammon is the demon of avarice.

A lower demon who appears in the dreams of both men and women in an idealized form, inciting temptation.

The female counterpart to the incubus, succubi appear in dreams to seduce their victims.

A demon under Lucifer’s command, Mephistopheles is famed for his skill in seduction and temptation.


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